Simple Basic Words You Need to Know in Italian

This is the ultimate drove of mutual Italian phrases for beginners!

Why learn the almost common Italian phrases first

Don't experience overwhelmed only because in that location's an infinite number of sentences in Italian.

I have some good news: you but need to know a fraction of the total number of Italian phrases to be able to speak Italian fluently.

For example, by knowing every bit little every bit 100 words you will sympathize 50% of any text.

There are various lists of the 1000 almost common Italian words, to brainstorm with.

With little effort, you tin can accept a real basic Italian conversation with someone during your trip.

Y'all only need to start with the well-nigh common Italian phrases to make bones sentences.

Here's a drove of comprehensible input for the Italian language.

For spaced repetition, go through this post again after a nighttime of sleep.

Have existent conversations with basic Italian sentences from day i

Once yous commencement learning a few basic sentences you will have the cognition to beginning your first basic conversation.

That's why I put together popular Italian sentences that simulate real-life conversations to become you speaking in no fourth dimension.

Experience how easy it is to become confident

Every linguistic communication feel should beginning gradually, from the easiest to the more complex concepts.

Larn how to heave your IQ.

By starting with the easiest and most common Italian sentences to know, yous will feel confident in your ability to learn a new language.

Can you imagine how many things you can say by combining 1000 Italian sentences?

That's what yous get in 33 lessons of the sound course "Ripeti con me!"

Become fluent quicker with common sentences

Starting with basic Italian phrases, we chop-chop lay a foundation for you to learn more than circuitous ones.

In fact, yous don't need to know thousands of them to speak fluently.

You can gradually build your knowledge so you get fluent faster than you could imagine.

Can you imagine how many things you can say by combining 1000 Italian phrases?

That'due south what you make it 33 lessons of the  course "Ripeti con me!"

With these audio lessons, y'all tin can also improve your pronunciation.

Become smarter by learning Italian

Language learning is a challenging action for your brain.

In fact, learning a language is a perfect way to boost your IQ.

In no time, your brain will make new connections and associations and you'll feel that learning the Italian language was one of the all-time choices y'all ever fabricated.

Suddenly, these useful Italian phrases look more than promising, right?

Italian phrases to know

Easy sentences in Italian: tips for beginners

If you're a beginner or a casual learner planning a trip to Italia, information technology makes sense to keep things simple and start with like shooting fish in a barrel sentences in Italian.

Before y'all blitz to memorize grand sentences, have a minute to reverberate on how sentences are made.

Italian words and phrases must be bundled in a sure mode to brand a sentence.

A elementary sentence is 1 independent clause that has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete idea.

There are some of import requirements for a uncomplicated sentence.

A sentence must take a subject and a verb

Are y'all looking for the subject? It's tu , but you don't demand to say that. The verb conjugation already shows that.

A sentence must limited a complete thought

Stazione vicino?

Station near?

Even if the sentence is not grammatically correct, a uncomplicated expression can already take y'all a long way.

A sentence must but have ane clause

C'è united nations treno alle dieci. Prendo quello.

There's a train at ten. I'll take that.

Dissever complex sentences into uncomplicated ones to avoid advanced grammer and communicate effectively.

Useful sentences in Italian to listen and repeat

We all concord that it'south a expert strategy to start with useful sentences in Italian.

Especially for specific situations like traveling because you probably want to larn Italian for travel.

But, how to practise that? Where to discover those Italian common phrases?

Find out more near how to larn Italian by speaking.

Non but listening or reading. Right at present, you should be speaking with a native speaker, even if yous're just a beginner.

If you don't accept the time, money, or backbone, you tin can still practise speaking by yourself.

How? With an audio course like "Ripeti con me!".

With this course, you'll ameliorate your Italian by listening and repeating.

Grammer isn't explicitly taught just you'll begin to pick up the various grammar points on your own.

Cheque out the course program to learn basic Italian fast!

useful sentences in italian

Should you lot practice the 1000 most common Italian phrases with flashcards?

Some learners desire to keep things efficient by memorizing the 1000 almost common words.

For a more than interactive experience, bank check out these flashcards with pop phrases.

There's enough of Italian phrases, including the one thousand most common phrases.

With Quizlet, you can make flashcard sets and quiz yourself.

How many do yous demand? The height 100 Italian phrases? 1000 phrases? 2000? 3000?

The question is rather, does it assistance to memorize words without context?

These apps are structured effectually sets of terms and definitions, so it'southward just rote learning of Italian words.

That's not the best way of learning basic Italian.

You need to put into exercise information to really master it!

100+ Essential Italian travel phrases and words

Everyone should learn essential conversational words before traveling to Italy.

These are the best words and expressions considering you're certain to come up in most everyday conversations.

Make sure to pack these simple phrases to help you prepare for those common situations travelers observe themselves in.

Larn Italian phrases for travel that you actually need, including some of the k most mutual Italian words.

italian phrases

Greetings in Italian: how to say howdy?

The beginning matter you need to larn to practise is to meet and greet people!

After all, you're going to be using greetings every time you have a basic conversation in Italian.

Merely the Italian greetings are not limited to ciao!

Italian phrases for beginners might look obvious but are still useful.

Knowing Italian greetings tin can brand a good impression, whether you're speaking for business or while traveling.

The Italian civilization places importance on introductions and greetings as information technology is oft considered a foundational fashion of showing respect.

There are different expressions you tin use depending on if the situation is formal (business meeting) or informal (meeting someone at a restaurant).

Offer polite greetings to friends and associates or as a way to intermission the ice when coming together new people.

These phrases to larn are simple, piece of cake to remember, and will become a long way to aid y'all make friends and have your showtime basic conversations.

You'll already speak like a native.


Hello (any time of day)


Good forenoon/afternoon.

It is always polite to say "Howdy" every morning because Italian speakers are really sociable.

"Proficient morning" in Italian is buongiorno.


Good evening



Grazie mille

Cheers very much



Mi chiamo…

My name is…

Sono americano/canadese/inglese

I'm American/Canadian/English


Nice to meet you

Being polite is important also when you travel to Italian republic.

And it doesn't price anything, it's complimentary!

Larn the following words and phrases to have a polite, bones conversation, and sound similar a native.




Per favore; per piacere; per cortesia



Thank you

Molte grazie

Cheers very much.


You're welcome!

Si figuri!

It's nothing.

Mi scusi.

Excuse me.


Past all means

Può ripetere, per cortesia?

Tin can you please repeat?

Notice how the well-nigh common phrases to be polite accost people as " Lei " (formal you), not " tu " (informal you).

Also, check out how to say how are you in Italian.

italian sentences

How to say hello and goodbye in Italian

Ciao can be used every bit both "hi" and as "bye." It'south a very informal way of greeting, so if yous desire to greet a friend, you tin can use it.

But if you detect yourself in a more formal situation, it's always best to apply some of the more than "formal" greetings below.

Possibly (but not necessarily) more than formal than ciao, this is the standard greeting in the morning and afternoon.

Relieve is a formal way of saying "hello." It'south not very common nowadays.


Hello and practiced evening

You commencement hearing buonasera effectually 5 p.m.

When talking to someone that you remember you'll encounter again someday.

A dopo , by dissimilarity, is something you can say to your friends if you have whatsoever intentions of seeing them afterward in the day (not on some other solar day!)

When you want to say goodbye in a more formal way, you tin use the word arrivederci .

Buona giornata

Have a bye

This looks like buongiorno, but you say it when parting.

Buona serata

Have a skillful/nice evening

The equivalent of buona giornata in the evening.

How to say hello and goodbye in Italian

Phrases to introduce yourself in Italian

How to introduce yourself in Italian?

If you're simply starting out, knowing how to innovate yourself is one of the best places to begin.

It gives you a taste of the grammer, allows you lot to start a conversation (fifty-fifty a short one!), and you can start practicing the pronunciation.

Here are some bones sentences for introducing yourself.

Come ti chiami?

What'south your name? (breezy)

Come si chiama?

What's your proper name? (formal)

If you're non sure whether you should be using informal or formal, stick with formal.

This literally ways, "I call myself…" and comes from the reflexive verb "chiamarsi."

You lot tin can fill in with your name or with your nationality, like:

Sono Americano/a.

I'm American.

When yous meet someone for the first time, you say:

Other questions you may be asked include request about your hometown:

Di dov'è?

Where are you from? (formal)

Di dove sei?

Where are y'all from? (informal)

Sono (australiana).

I'm (Australian),

Learn Italian sentences to ask about people's age:

Quanti anni ha?

How old are you? (formal)

Quanti anni hai

How old are you? (informal)

Ho (trentadue) anni.

I'k (32) years old.

Finally, learn sentences nearly people'due south jobs:

Che lavoro fa?

What do y'all do for work? (formal)

Che lavoro fai?

What practice yous do for piece of work? (informal)

Faccio (50'insegnante).

I'm a (instructor).

Learn more Italian phrases.

1000 italian sentences

How to say I don't sympathize in Italian

You want to learn Italian sentences to communicate.

Withal, as a beginner, there will be many moments when you lot get stuck and can't understand what people are proverb to you in Italian.

Italian for beginners can be embarrassing.

When this happens, don't worry!

It's a perfectly normal part of the learning process and in time, you'll begin to understand more and more of what you hear.

You simply need to acquire sentences to prove that you don't empathize.

Here are some Italian sentences to know to say… that you don't know!

Mi scusi, non capisco

I don't understand!

Non parlo italiano molto bene

I don't speak Italian very well

Cosa vuole dire?

What does that mean?

Parla inglese?

Practise you speak English?

Mi scusi

I'thousand sad

Non lo so

I don't know

Va bene

All right

Not importa

Never mind

How to society at the restaurant in Italian: essential phrases

How to speak Italian at the restaurant?

Dining is one of the all-time parts of traveling to Italy.

Indeed, many essential Italian phrases for travel are related to food.

All the same, reading an Italian carte du jour can be intimidating!

Nevertheless, understanding how Italians dine will help you lot get the almost out of your travel experience, especially in the many local, off-the-beaten-path establishments.

So you lot should learn expressions related to food and dining.

Here are some helpful hints on how to selection a restaurant on your trip to Italy and how to navigate its menu with confidence (and pay the pecker too!).

Un tavolo per uno / due, per favore

A table for i / two, delight

Siete già aperti?

Are yous open notwithstanding?

Mi scusi!

Excuse me! (Calling a waiter)

Cosa mi consiglia?

What do you lot recommend?

Qual è la specialità della casa?

What's your virtually popular dish?

Cos'è questo?

What's this?

Faccia Lei!

Information technology'due south up to you/You can decide

Il conto, per favore

The cheque, please

Potrei avere il bill of fare, per favore?

Can I have the menu, please?

Possiamo aspettare (per united nations tavolo)?

Tin nosotros wait (for a table)?

Possiamo sederci qui?

Can we sit hither?

Learn how to book a table in Italian.

common phrases in italian

How to ask for directions in Italian: basic phrases

If y'all're wondering how to speak Italian when y'all get lost, hither you'll observe the answers.

If you lot're planning a trip to Italy, you're probably going to demand public transport to go around.

Information technology's non free merely still cheap.

You lot should learn these before yous travel to Italy and communicate with native speakers.

Quanto dura il viaggio?

How long does it have?

Dove devo andare adesso?

Where should I become at present?

Quando parte?

When does it leave?

Che ore sono (adesso)?

What fourth dimension is it (at present)?

Vorrei andare a _

I want to go to _

A che ora parte il prossimo treno/autobus per _?

What fourth dimension is the next train/bus to _ ?

Quanto costa?

How much is it?

Un biglietto / due biglietti

One ticket / two tickets

Questo treno/motorbus ferma a _ ?

Does this train/bus end in _?

Mi scusi, è qui _ ?

Alibi me, is this _? (On the bus/train, when y'all aren't sure when to become off)

Learn Italian for travel.

Useful Italian phrases to enquire for directions

Basic Italian for travel includes giving directions.

By learning to say and empathize the post-obit, you lot'll be able to ask for and receive directions from the locals.

Vorrei andare a _

I'd similar to go to _ (If you know the proper noun of your destination)

Vorrei andare qui

I want to go here (Pointing to your destination on the map)

Mi sono perso / Mi sono persa

I'g lost

È di qua?

Is it this way? (Useful for checking if you're walking in the correct management)

Dov'è _?

Where is _ ?

Scusi, mi può dire come up arrivare al Colosseo?

Excuse me, could y'all tell me how to get to the Colosseum?

Here are some of the basic Italian phrases for useful replies you might hear.

Gira a destra

Turn right

Gira a sinistra

Turn left

È qua vicino

It's close by

È laggiù

It's over in that location

È davanti alla scuola

Information technology's opposite the school

È dietro la stazione

It's behind the station

È sotto il ponte

It'southward under the span

È a fianco alla chiesa

It's next to the church building

È prima della stazione di servizio

It's before the gas station

È dopo la gelateria

It'south past the ice-cream parlor

Dov'è il bagno?

Where is the bathroom/toilet?

These things might expect obvious, but linguistic communication learning has to start somewhere.

Learn more almost how to give instructions in Italian.

useful italian phrases

Basic question words in Italian

To communicate in Italian and to travel with ease, at that place are applied questions in Italian (or any language for that affair) that you'll use daily and have to know.

They're found in many basic Italian sentences.

Parla inglese?

Practice you speak English?














How much?

Try these:

Dov'è la stazione?

Where is the station?

Scusi, dov'è il bagno?

Where is the bath?

Quanto dista il Colosseo?

How far is the Coloseum?

Dove si mangia il miglior gelato?

Where tin can you become the best ice foam?

Come si arriva in Piazza della Repubblica?

How do y'all get to Piazza della Repubblica?

Larn more near how to ask questions in Italian.

most common italian phrases

How to practice shopping in Italian: common phrases

Basic Italian for travel includes shopping.

Whether in the supermarket, the shopping center, or the local farmer's market you're going to want to buy things at some point or another!

To practise this, yous demand to exist able to ask questions just like yous would in English!

Here are the useful Italian sentences and phrases that you'll need to acquire:

Mi piace questo

I similar this

Quanto costa questo?

How much is this?

È troppo caro per me

It'due south too expensive for me

Sì, grazie

Aye, please

No, grazie

No, thanks

Può farmi uno sconto?

Tin can y'all practise me a disbelieve?

Cerco united nations/una _

I'm looking for a _

Sto solo guardando

I'g just looking effectually

United nations attimo Merely a moment

With these phrases in Italian, you tin can point your finger and buy virtually anything you can see.

italian common phrases for travel

How to say "I don't experience well" in Italian: simple phrases

If you travel abroad, it's ever useful to know some basic medical vocabulary so that tin can handle an emergency in example you go ill or suffer an blow during your trip.

Acquire these Italian sentences and phrases, simply in example! Hither are some Italian to English phrases in case you experience sick:

Mi porti in ospedale, per favore

Take me to the hospital delight (To a taxi commuter)

Mi fa male person qui

It hurts here (pointing to body parts)

Ho bisogno di medicine

I demand some medicine

Può aiutarmi, per favore?

Can yous help me, delight?

Devo andare da un md

I need to see a doctor

Non mi sento bene

I don't feel well

Non si sente bene

He/she doesn't feel well

C'è united nations ospedale da queste parti?

Is there a hospital near here?

If y'all pass by a drugstore, try nootropics for language learning to boost brain power.

sentences in italian

Italian phrases to find subconscious gems in Italy

Let's learn some simple phrases that volition help you discover the subconscious gems on your next trip to Italy!

Locals are always peachy to share their favorite restaurants and cafes with visitors, simply if you want to find out almost them you demand to know how to ask!

Mi scusi, ma…

I'yard lamentable to bother you, but…

Posso farle una domanda?

Could I enquire you something quickly?

Cerco un posto qui in zona dove si mangi bene

I'grand looking for a place with adept food around here

Cerco un bar carino qui in zona

I'g looking for a nice cafe in the area

Ne conosce qualcuno?

Do you know anyone [here]?

C'è qualche posto interessante da visitare qui in zona?

Is there anything interesting to run across in this area?

Grazie comunque

Thanks, anyhow [if they can't help you]

The basics of Italian can make a difference in your get-go chat.

Personal pronouns and references to people

You refer to people by using personal pronouns. These are the basics, right? In Italian, the pronouns (you and they) are complicated past gender and formality.










(you, singular)


(you, singular, formal)


(you lot, plural)



Use the informal tu (singular you) for friends, relatives, younger people, and people you know well.

Use the formal lei (singular yous) in the following cases:

  • when speaking to people yous don't know well;
  • in situations such as in stores, restaurants, hotels, or pharmacies);
  • and with professors, older people, and your friends' parents.

Learn more nearly personal pronouns in Italian.

Even within simple Italian phrases, to avoid bad-mannered situations, it's useful to know the correct vocabulary term for referring to people based on their age, gender, or relationship to you lot.


(a man)


(a adult female)


(a boy)


(a daughter)

Bambino (m); bambina (f)

(a child)


(a father)


(a female parent)

Figlio (m); figlia (f)



(a brother)


(a sister)


(a hubby)


(a wife)

Amico (g); amica (f)

(a friend)

Learn more about the most mutual Italian words.

The best manner to learn is by speaking.

Use these common Italian phrases with your friends.

Fifty-fifty speaking to yourself volition help!

basic italian phrases

Larn Italian phrases for travelers

Here are the virtually common Italian phrases that are peculiarly helpful to international travelers.

Use these simple Italian phrases oft during your trip!

Mi scusi.

Excuse me. (Formal)

Non parlo bene fifty'italiano.

I don't speak Italian well.

Parla inglese?

Practice you speak English? (Formal)

Parlo inglese.

I speak English.

Non lo so.

I don't know.

Non posso.

I tin't.

Non potevo.

I couldn't.

Non lo faccio.

I won't exercise it.

Non dimenticare!

Don't forget!

Mi sono perso/persa

I'grand lost.

Sto cercando il mio albergo.

I'm looking for my hotel.

Sì, lo so.

Aye, I know.

Non lo and then.

I don't know.

Non and then pigeon sia.

I don't know where it is.

Not capisco.

I don't understand.

Capisco, grazie.

I understand, thanks.

Lei non mangia la carne.

She doesn't consume meat.

Non siamo americani.

We aren't American.

Il caffè non è buono.

The coffee isn't expert.

Not è caro!

It's not expensive!

Può ripetere, per cortesia?

Can you lot repeat, please? (Formal)

È bello.

It's beautiful.

È bellissimo.

It'south very beautiful.

Vado a casa.

I'one thousand going home.

Domani visitiamo Venezia.

Nosotros'll visit Venice tomorrow.

Due cappuccini, per favore.

Two cappuccinos, please.

Learn more about Italian for travel.

How to say common places and locations in Italian

How to speak Italian to find places?

Here's some vocabulary for the common places or locations that you might demand or want while traveling in Italy.

You definitely need to learn basic Italian phrases and phrases and experience gratuitous to speak, similar a native!



Dov'è il museo?

Where is the museum?

Gira a destra

Turn correct

Gira a sinistra

Turn left

Vai diritto

Become straight ahead

Vai in quella direzione

Go that way

Vai indietro

Get back





Other places in italian:

Il teatro


Il supermercato


La stazione

train station





La stazione di polizia

police force station

Il parco


Il centro

boondocks center





La polizia


La stazione






Il ristorante


In campagna

in the country

In città

in the city

In montagna

in the mountains





La casa












How to say numbers in Italian

How to say numbers in Italian

Whether you're ordering drinks, paying a bill, or buying a train ticket, numbers are something you'll demand to exist familiar with in Italian right from the commencement.

In fact, when you first learning a new language, i of the kickoff things yous learn is numbers.

The numbers in Italian are not difficult to remember, andeverything follows a very logical pattern.

Let's larn Italian numbers and how to count in Italian, then move on to useful Italian phrases related to numbers.

Sometimes, to make everyday Italian phrases, y'all need numbers, peculiarly the offset 10 numbers.

If you lot manage to acquire how to count from one to 10, you will have an easy time learning further.

Italian numbers 1 – 10 for basic Italian phrases





















Afterward 10, things start to get interesting.

From xi to 16, numbers end in dici .

Starting with 17, just say dici in front of the single-digit number.

Italian numbers 11-twenty





















After 20, it gets easier. You lot only need to recollect how to say the tens, and pair them together:

Italian numbers 21 – thirty





















Italian numbers 31 – 40





















If you pay attention to the design, starting with 40 and up to 90, all the tens will end in -anta, and so information technology's going to be very piece of cake to remember.

Here are all the tens in Italian:























Un milione


United nations miliardo


Learn more about the numbers in Italian.

1000 most common italian phrases

Italian numbers in proverbs

Some common Italian proverbs involving numbers:

Chi fa da sè fa per tre

It literally means: "Someone who does for himself, does for three (people)" It really means: If you want something done well, exercise it yourself

Andare a fare quattro salti

It literally means: "To go brand four jumps"
It actually means: To become dance

Dare i numeri

It literally means: "To requite numbers" — Originally in reference to people who picked lottery numbers based on signs or superstition.
Information technology really means: To be crazy/raving/mentally imbalanced

For common Italian sentences that are not related to numbers, check out this collection of funny idioms, common Italian proverbs, and famous quotes.

Days of the week and months of the year in Italian

With but a few common phrases and words, you tin can cover the topic of fourth dimension.

Everyday Italian sentences like this:

Che giorno è oggi?

What day is it today?

Days of the week in Italian

If you've started learning Italian, whether,for pleasure or to improve your professional profile, it won't be long before you need to larn the days of the week in Italian.

how to learn languages fast ebook

How to Acquire Languages Fast

Simply so you know, in Italian, the days of the week aren't capitalized.

Here they are:














Lord's day

Did y'all notice? The commencement five days of the week ( lunedì, martedì, mercoledì, giovedì, venerdì ) stop with , where the stress of the word falls.

Interestingly, is an old way of saying giorno (day), the equivalent of Mon-day, Tues-day, etc. This might help you remember the days of the week!

Also, you lot can make a pretty skilful approximation of the names of the months in Italian past simply saying the English versions.

Learn more about the days of the week in Italian.

Months of the yr in Italian:

If you lot are an English speaker, you are in luck, as the names for the months in Italian and English language come from the same Latin root, which makes them sound like in the 2 languages.

























Did you notice that the names of the months don't start with capital messages?

In fact, months aren't capitalized in Italian. (It's the same deal with days of the week likewise.)

Italians write dates in a different club than we do.

We start with the day, then the month, and then the year.

For example, to express Jan 08, 2009, you would write viii/1/09 instead of 1/8/09.

If you write it i/8/09, information technology would be causeless you were talking about August.

Learn more about the months of the twelvemonth in Italian.

Well, if you've learned the name of the months in Italian, you lot might as well learn the seasons!

le stagioni

the seasons






fall / fall



Acquire more about the flavour in Italian.

Dates and agenda terms

You can utilise the following phrases when discussing dates in Italian.

Che giorno è oggi?

What day is today?

Oggi è venerdì.

Today is Fri.

Che giorno parti?

What twenty-four hour period are yous leaving? [Breezy]

Che giorno parte?

What day are you leaving? [Formal]

Parto lunedì.

I'g leaving on Monday.

In che mese vai in Italia?

What month are you lot going to Italian republic? Ad agosto.

In August. Quando è il tuo compleanno?

When'south your birthday?

Il sette novembre.

Nov vii.

Che giorno è oggi?

What'southward the date?

É il cinque settembre.

Information technology'southward September 5.

Telling fourth dimension with Italian phrases for beginners

Italian phrases for beginners often include time expressions.

The time of day tin can be described in full general terms or at specific times.

You tin can use the following words to draw the time in a general sense.

di mattina

in the morn

del pomeriggio

in the afternoon

di sera

in the evening

di notte

in the middle of the nighttime [until about5 a.thousand. or so]


mean solar day











Learn more about time expressions in Italian.

Telling time in Italian is really just a question of counting.

Italy commonly uses a 24-60 minutes clock.

When using a 24-hour clock, just add 12 to every hour afterwards noon, for example, 6 p.k. becomes 18.

When you want to know a specific fourth dimension of 24-hour interval, you lot can enquire:

Che ore sono?

What fourth dimension is information technology?

When expressing time between the hours, say the hour + minute, for case:

due east un quarto

(and a quarter)

e ventitrè

(and 23)

eastward mezzo


When y'all get past the half-hour, start going the other says the number of minutes until the adjacent hour, for instance, say:

meno united nations quarto

(a quarter to)

meno dieci

(10 minutes to)

popular italian phrases

You can use the following bones Italian phrases equally a guide when talking about time.

È l'una.

It'southward 1 a.1000.

È l'una due east dieci.

It's ane:10 a.m.

È mezzogiorno.

Information technology's apex.

È mezzogiorno eastward mezzo.

It's 12:30 p.m.

È mezzanotte.

It's midnight.

Sono le due.

It'south ii a.chiliad.

Sono le due due east un quarto.

It's ii:15 a.m.

Sono le quindici.

Information technology's 3 p.thou.

Sono le ventidue meno dieci.

It's 9:50 p.m.

In Italian, 9:50 p.m. is spoken as ventidue meno dieci. (9:50 p.m.)

However, informally, it is usually written as ix:l.

Here are some important Italian phrases to know well-nigh opening hours and deviation times.

A che ora parte il treno?

At what time does the train leave?

Parte all'una.

Information technology leaves at one.

A che ora inizia 50'opera?

At what time does the opera begin?

Inizia alle venti.

Information technology begins at viii p.g.

A che ora chiude l'ostello?

At what time does the hostel close?

Chiude a mezzanotte e mezzo.

It closes at 12:30 a.k.

With these piece of cake Italian phrases, you can survive during your trip to Italy.

Learn more virtually how to tell the time in Italian.

Common Italian phrases for daily life

Here are some Italian sentences that can be useful in daily life:

Vado a fare la spesa.

I'm going to buy groceries.

Non fare troppo rumore!

Don't be too loud!

Abbiamo fatto amicizia con tanta gente del posto.

We fabricated friends with lots of local people.

Ci siamo fermate per strada per fare due chiacchiere.

We stopped on the street to chat.

Volevo fare una bella figura.

I wanted to make a practiced impression.

Ho dovuto fare la fila per mezz'ora.

I had to look in line for half an hr.

Yes, it's quite common to wait in line in Italy, particularly at the mail service office.

How to talk near your family in Italian

If you've watched enough gangster movies, yous probably know the Italian word for family:la famiglia.

In Italy, family unit is sacred: it is an essential attribute of the culture and of every Italian's life, then knowing all the terms to talk about your family is fundamental if yous desire to sound like a native speaker.

Allow's offset with those creatures who put us into this world…

Careful hither, as there is a discussion in Italian that is dangerously similar to "parents": parenti . This, yet, means "relatives", and not "parents"!

madre/ mamma/ mammina

mother/ mom/ mommy

padre/papà/ babbo

father/ dad/ daddy




blood brother

















When you're talking about just one member of your family, or of someone else'due south family, you just strap the Italian word for "my", "your", "his", "her" etc (a.grand.a possessive adjectives) onto the front.

my mother

mia madre

your grandfather

tuo nonno

her aunt

sua zia

When there are multiple family unit members to talk well-nigh (plural), like aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, children, etc, you demand to utilize one of those words for "The" in Italian (definite articles).

my grandfathers

i miei nonni

her aunts

le sue zie

their brothers

i loro fratelli

my sisters

le mie sorelle

By the way, did you know that there are half-dozen words for "the" in Italian?

You choose 1 depending on the number and gender of nouns.

Learn more than nearly how to talk about your family in Italian.

How to talk about the family in Italian

Italian phrases for lovers

The Italian linguistic communication is, after all, ane of the most romantic languages in the world.

Learn the Italian phrases for lovers you'll need to successfully navigate a romantic candlelit dinner with your lover.

First, you lot demand some pet names:

Tesoro mio

My treasure

Cuore mio

My eye

Amore mio

My dearest

Caro/cara Dear

Oh, they've got a nowadays for you!

Un mazzolino di fiori

A boutonniere of flowers

United nations mazzolino di rose

A boutonniere of roses

Un pensierino

A little gift (literally a little thought)

Una scatola di cioccolatini

A box of chocolates

Here's a list of romantic Italian phrases:

Ti amo.

I love you (romantically).

Sono attratto/a da te.

I'one thousand attracted to you.

Mi hai cambiato la vita.

You changed my life.

Sei bellissimo/a.

Y'all are beautiful.

Sono pazzo/a di te.

I'chiliad crazy well-nigh you lot.

Sei l'uomo/la donna dei miei sogni.

Yous're the human/woman of my dreams.

Dammi un bacio.

Give me a kiss.

Ho un debole per te.

I'm weak for you.

Sei 50'unico/a per me.

You're the but ane for me.

Non posso vivere senza di te.

I tin't live without you.

Sei tutto per me.

You're everything to me.

Sono innamorato/a di te.

I'yard in love with you.

Ti penso ogni giorno.

I think about yous every day.

Learn more about how to say I love yous in Italian.

Useful phrases… with swear words (!)

A list of the most common phrases would not be complete without some colorful expressions.

Be information technology well-nigh politics, romance, or the weather, the Italians beloved arguing, possibly with swear words.

These are Italian phrases to know if you want to win an argument.

I'chiliad not showing them in this post, but there's a collection of swear words with audio.

It's a lesson fabricated up of thirty basic phrases with… you know.

With this audio material, you tin as well improve your Italian pronunciation.

Learn more about Italian swear words.

Italian hand gestures

Language learning is not express to words, simply also includes gestures.

In fact, some common Italian phrases are better expressed through typical hand gestures.

That's why this language is so rich in gestures.

Some are funny, some are aggressive, some are just rude.

That's culture, also! Sometimes, these Italian phrases in English just don't experience the same.

That's why you use gestures!

Learn more nearly Italian hand gestures.

How to practice new phrases

Now that yous learned lots of new phrases, yous tin talk virtually pretty much everything (in general terms, of course).

Why don't yous play around with these new words and phrases?

You could invent dialogue and play two different characters.

Or if you have an Italian friend or a friend who speaks Italian, yous could practice and perform with them.

You could too write a short story with dialogues.

Make sure they make sense and are not too overwhelming.

You could besides make your own art-and-learning area.

Accept the phrases that you find hard, detect a place in your room, and dedicate that space to those phrases.

You could do arts and crafts, or y'all could draw and associate a drawing with a phrase.

Whatever y'all decide, make certain you experience motivated to exercise it!

What are the most common sentences in Italian

Basic Italian phrases PDF

I nerveless the most important bones Italian phrases in a thirteen-page PDF file.

To download the basic Italian phrases PDF, simply tell me where I should ship it and y'all'll receive information technology immediately.


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